Home > Uncategorized > Upgrade scripts AX 4.0 to AX2009 Upgrade -Post synch step

Upgrade scripts AX 4.0 to AX2009 Upgrade -Post synch step

Following are steps to write upgrade scripts :

  1. Get a summary of field Id changes between 4.0 and 2009 from SQLDictionary Table in both version.
  2. Create a copy of SQL Dictionary table from 4.0 Version  and import this Table in AX2009 Database.
  3. Now create a view to compare the field id for fields with same name,same Table name ion both versions.
  4. Now modify ReleaseUpgradeDb3X_Module or ReleaseUpgradeDb4X_Module and add the old field Ids for addPostsyncsjobs method.
  5. Now run the PostSync step . This will resolve the field Id difference issues.
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