Home > Ax2012 > AX2012 Features – Financial Dimensions changes

AX2012 Features – Financial Dimensions changes

I havebeen  reading changes in AX2012 w.r.t to last version and I found that Financial Dimension got a major change in AX2012. The financial dimension has undergone a major change. In AX2009, a ledger account was represented by a single string value and was considered to be separate from the financial dimensions.  All financial dimension values were stored in the Dimensions table.In Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012, a major change is that now you can use multiple number of dimensions which is different from AX2009 where we can create up to 10  financial dimension. Following are summary of changes  :

  1. The setting up of Financial dimension for AX records such as customer records is still the same but the recid will be stored in “DimensionAttributeValueSet” Table for reference.
  2. Dimension attribute set pattern which is used to store additional information about  dimension is still used used but now  foreign key represents a dimension attribute that contains data from corresponding Recid field  of “DimensionSetAttribute” table.


 I will write a separate post about code changes that need to considered while upgrading objects from previous version to AX2012.

Categories: Ax2012
  1. Andy Robinson
    September 21, 2011 at 8:59 pm

    Is there a way to set the financial dimension for an employee from a C# application?

    Thanks for any help.


    • September 23, 2011 at 6:14 am

      Yes , u can create a wrapper Class which sets the Dimension for employee ( logic to find the EmplTable record and update teh Dimension column) and call the Class static method using IAxaptaAdapter Classes.. Can you give more details of the scenario.

  2. Andy Robinson
    September 22, 2011 at 3:52 pm

    Is there a way to set the Financial Dimensions for an employee from a C# application that creates an employee in AX? I hav not found a way to do that yet.

    Thanks in advance.

  3. Andy Robinson
    September 27, 2011 at 3:27 pm

    Thanks for your response. More details. We are in the process of moving from one ERP to Dynamics 2012, and i need to create an application to pull in employee data from or HR application and create the employees in AX. I have been using the business connector to create the employee and set the job, position and department for the employee. But I am running into an issue setting the financial dimension for Employee in the employment screen.

    I see in the database where the DIMENSIONATTRIBUTEVALUESET needs to be set and that is where I only see a Hash and RecID. So I see i need to set that when I create the employee to assign the dimension to teh employee. Any help would be appreciated.

  4. September 27, 2011 at 3:33 pm

    Andy, have a look at http://www.xppdotnet.com. This generates easy to use wrappers around Ax objects, and allows you to easily manipulate records and fields (including arrays).

  5. September 28, 2011 at 5:25 am

    Hi Arin.. Thanks for providind the details .. You have to set up DefaultDimension column in HCMEmployment Table..Let me know if that solve your issue.

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